
Lundén Architecture Company is a Helsinki-based office focused on the development and innovation of the built environment, architecture and urbanism. Founded in 2008, the office’s unique approach is shaped by the experiences of over 300 projects to date.
The office is structured as a cluster of studios, each with their individual focus and area of expertise ranging from building to parametric design and from interiors to landscapes, urban and regional planning. With a rich palette of knowledge and skills, the studios support and inspire each other to develop and excel in their work.
At Lundén Architecture Company, the internationally diverse team shares one vision – to produce innovative and sustainable solutions.
Juju Studio is a group of creative architects focused on building design. We specialize in architecture of today and tomorrow, and value sustainability in all aspects. We realize buildings and environments, from small to large scale, wood to stone, for young and old, and for various clients and user groups. We have a strong knowledge of housing architecture trends that accommodate different ways of living. The core of our expertise is leading the building design process from start to finish. One of our top priorities is to have open communication and to create an inspiring atmosphere to work and learn. We work closely, share our knowledge, invest in our wellbeing and have fun together. We seek opportunities for learning, innovation and strive for a more sustainable future.
Lil’sis is a team of interior designers, architects and construction architects that brings together a comprehensive set of skills covering a full range of different scales, from the urban environment to the smallest interior details. Working together, we have a unique ability to seamlessly bridge the different scales of design. Operating as a skilled mediator, the team values a culture of collaboration, within the team as well as with clients and other parties involved in the process of creating spaces and places.
East Park is a team of enthusiastic architects, planners and landscape architects committed to sustainability in its many aspects. We focus on urban scale projects that have resilience, wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusivity at their core. We are interested in biodiversity, circular economy and adapting to new ways of living together in our ever changing cities. We believe in the power of a multidisciplinary and participatory approach in urban design. We collaborate with researchers, experts and scholars to enrich our perspectives, and provide unique solutions to best meet the needs of each individual project.
Open Lab is a creative studio with a constant curiosity about the world. We have an international mindset, and value diverse viewpoints and experiences. As a versatile collective, we take a holistic approach to architectural as well as urban realities and complexities. Embracing different perspectives from all fields encourages us to develop new ideas and explore unconventional solutions. The exchange of interdisciplinary knowledge, continuous learning and collaborations are central to our studio. We look for the added value in our work, reconsidering our roles and evolving our studio to better impact our environment and take on the challenges of tomorrow.
Pixel is a research-based specialist studio within Lundén Architecture Company, providing innovative design solutions through digitalization and computational tools. The studio is centered around parametric design, investigating new design approaches and building solutions to ensure that Lundén Architecture Company is at the forefront of sustainability and innovation.
Verdandi is an expert studio that provides research-based, explorative and transformation oriented consulting services for urban planning and land use development. We explore the future of cities, create long term visions and scenarios, roadmaps, and plans – just name it.