Svenska Samskolan extension presented by the Tampere City Planning Department

A public hearing for the Svenska Samskolan school extension was held in Tampere today. The event was open to the public and held by the Tampere City Planning Department.
The Swedish school provides education for grades 1-9 as well as high school students. Due to the growing number of students and new facility requirements for schools participating in the matriculation examination, there is a need to expand the existing school building.
The plan proposes a new school addition and courtyard deck. A larger addition replaces the previous 1970s expansion. A new deck structure is introduced in the school yard with parking facilities below and a school yard above. The new addition houses the high school and a special auditorium that meets current matriculation exam requirements. The extension significantly expands the courtyard spaces for the students, improving opportunities for outdoor play and sports. The roof of the extension also offers additional outdoor spaces. Special care has been taken to preserve the old trees on the site, while new greenery will be added along the street bordering the school yard.
The contemporary design of the extension adds a new layer to the block while respecting the old Art Nouveau school building without attempting to imitate it. The shape of the new building is carefully molded to create a human scale.
The proposed plan for the extensions is on public view from May 11 until June 1, 2023.
For more information about the hearing event: