The wall is down!

Today we celebrate the taking down of the wall, which opens the way to our new office extension. Preparations for the extension have been underway for some time now and we cannot wait to have it in use soon.
We are excited about the new space and happy to stay in the Ympyrätalo building. The exceptional round building is a modern landmark and was originally designed in 1968 by Heikki and Kaija Siren. They had the vision and courage to explore the possibilities offered by new building technologies of their time. We are proud to follow in their footsteps and test new possibilities of our time.
The extended office space will make it possible for our studios to have a home base to work together in their teams as well as more space for collaborations.
Stay tuned for more information about the studios in the coming months. The studios will present themselves once they get settled into their new homes during the spring.